Warning: This nail art design is hardcore. If I actually pull this one off I will be shocked and amazed. Just look at what I did trying to think of it! Maybe if I simplify it this will be easier but the sooner I get a nail model the better because here's another official warning: Do not attempt this on yourself! Unless you paint it on a fake nail (can you even do that?) Anyways I've never come up with anything like this before so check out the layout design and before you even try it make sure you have hours to spare to do it- especially if you're like me and this is your first time at something so advanced! I'm beginning to miss those silly little Konad nail stamping tutorials, actually after this they look so pathetic.
Nail Design
하얀색, 빨강색, 핑크, 검정색, 실버 + gems
赤い, パンク, 黒色, 白色, 銀色
White, red, black, two shades of pink, silver
Left Hand Thumb- M
1) Start with the black and follow my picture- use a nail brush
2) Paint in the scarlet once the black is dry
# the red I used needs a top coat wherever you put it
Index finger- I
1) Finish the M in black and do the I
2) Paint a red star above the I
3) Top Coat
Middle finger- S
1) Paint the S in black
2) Paint half a heart to its side
3) Top Coat
Ring Finger- S
1) Paint another S
2) Paint the second half of the heart on this finger in red
3) Top coat
Pinky- Beautiful
1) Paint some squiggles in black
2) Paint in red the Chinese character for beautiful, Mei, on the pinky
Right hand Thumb- A
1) Paint the A in black
2) Paint a second A in red
3) Top coat
Index- BEjeweled
1) Put a spot of clear polish on your nail then use the nail dotter to move the gem into the right place
2) Repeat until you have created three rows of 3
3) Top Coat- heavily
Middle- Polka Dots
1) Paint black polka dots on the pink side
2) Paint white polka dots on the black side
Ring Finger- Raindrop dots
1) Paint a pattern of raindrop-like things on it
Pinky- Heart
1) Paint the heart in white
2) Paint hot pink over it
Finished Look- Miss A
Just a side note: Nail art doesn't always look good up close. I like to design nail art for sports that's flashy enough to look really cool from a distance away so if you mess up it usually just adds to the design as long as your mistake isn't the size of the nail itself.
Alternative: Just buy yourself tons of tiny fake gems and paint all your nails black and put them on your nails. It will look amazing!
Alternative: Just buy yourself tons of tiny fake gems and paint all your nails black and put them on your nails. It will look amazing!