Wednesday, December 25, 2013

聖誕快樂!圣诞快乐!메리크리스마스! クリスマス ネイル アート

聖誕快樂! It's almost Christmas and here is the nail designs I have for Christmas, I'll only use pictures so you can just look and copy, that seems to work better than writing a ton.

Saturday, December 7, 2013


This is a revised version of the last time I put gems on nails, this time I went to Sally's Beauty Supply and bought $20 worth of gems, and ended up with tons I didn't need and the 72 I required at the time. Be very particular about size and placement, and even though it's gorgeous I caution you that unless you use nail glue the gems will begin to fall off in 2-3 days. Sadness!
This is 2 variations on one design.
If you want this nail design to look Harajuku paint the ring fingers pastel pink and do another heart and crossbones, then adorn the thumbs with cute nail charms or mini chains. You can also just leave them black and do the heart and crossbones
So it's back, even more sparkly, and just as delicious- BLING

(Note: Harajuku nails are coming soon! Had to get this post done first! Gomen nasai!)