Sunday, June 9, 2013

슈퍼주니어 메니큐어 Super Junior Nail Art

슈퍼주니어 메니큐어 Super Junior Nail Art 

Link to the MV-

This is the design I drew up for their MV Spy, I suggest you watch it before you do this because the song is really good! Plus it shows that I was really inspired... Just a hint ^_^

For Base Colors you need: White, Black, Red, Silver, Gold- 빨강색,검정색, 하얀색: 黒,赤,白, 金色,  銀色

1)Paint your nails as neatly as you can (word to the wise, if you use the Kiss Nail art thin brush nail polish never use it anywhere when a fan is on because it goes goopey after 4 uses or when a fan is on- this is my second set! Also don't paint a top coat on it if you can possibly avoid it because it will get spider web cracks under the clear topcoat)

Base Colors: your hands should look like this only neater- any polish that gets on your skin (if you do this yourself I can almost guarantee that will happen) will be gone in two days so focus on what's on your nail

Right hand

Design Layout


Left Thumb Target: The Spy I love
1)  Use a nail brush (mine is from Sephora- word to the wise never EVER drop it in Acetone nail polish remover because that will strip the paint off. Don't ask how I know, please) Paint three circles to form a target in WHITE. In the center of the middle paint a small white heart.
2) Paint red using your nail brush to COMPLETELY cover the white circles- trust me it will still look okay if you get a tiny bit on the black- if you leave some white? Not so much. So take your time. It takes me maybe five minutes if I concentrate and play music. Leave the heart white so it will end up looking like this
3) Top coat
You know this is cute- don't be in denial귀여워
Left Index finger Star from that hat
1)Use the nail brush to paint a star in gold centered in the middle of your finger, as big or small as you want.
2) Paint black all the way around the star except for a white crescent where your cuticle normally is (unless you do manicures)
3)Top Coat
It will look like this- I smudged mine trying to fish my nail brush out of the evil-horrible-diabolical-annoying-nailartbrush eating-wicked Acetone (I think that rant was long enough to fit my level of sadness) 
Left Middle Finger- Tuxedo
1)Paint the white Tuxedo first (look at the picture before you do anything: for reference you can use my picture or this link Cutepolish)Start with the body of the suit and fill it in. Then once you have the body paint an X a few cm below your cuticle and fill in the sides for the bow tie- please don't make that HUGE or it will look tacky and let me tell you, Super Junior might wear really weird outfits but some of them are really cute and most definitely not tacky!
2) Take a thin black brush and draw two lines to paint a collar on it
3) optional Top coat
Left Ring Finger- wow this is a lot. Opening scene (the first 20 seconds)
1)  Look at the picture first! Using a nail brush with black paint on it paint a circle then from that draw the curvy lines- look closely at the MV or my picture to get this right because where they begin is important as well as the angle

2) Paint your silver right over the black (which should be dry) leaving the circle white
3) Take a toothpick and trace it over the black lines- which should be visible if you used the right color- In the picture my black came off because I was in a hurry and didn't let it dry, don't do that!
4) Top coat

Left Pinky
1) The easiest one on this hand, just paint a little black heart on it and remember what I said about the top coat. The black Kiss nail polish is liable to stain if you use the top coat so consider carefully!

Right Thumb- Saranghae
1)Look at the picture. Now paint the Saranghae in white like I did. Paint the heart in white and add some flower petals around it (optional)
2) Paint red over the heart and random flower petals
3) Top Coat
Right Index, Middle, and Ring finger (condensed!)
1) Paint 'Y' on your index finger (Y as in Y is this post so long? It's because I am that good), paint 'P' as in this nail artist is Perfect on your middle finger. Paint 'S' on your ring finger. Y? Because I Said So. (can't help it, my creativity is bubbling up. It's like a can of sodapop that gets shaken up and handed to you by a friend who really cares  ^_^)
Pinky- Bleeding White Heart (there's all kinds of hearts in the MV)
1) Paint the white heart first, paint it so the tip is ragged
2) Paint 4 drips that look like spilled liquid dropping to the floor. Put two of them by the bottom of the heart and the other two like rain drops falling from the left curve of the heart.
3) Paint one  dot above the right side
4) Topcoat is okay on this one as there's not a whole lot of white- If the red stains then that should be fine, it makes it look even better in some cases.

슈퍼주니어 메니큐어 !!! ^_^



If you paint this and make a video for Youtube, please credit my blog with the link!
감사합니다! ^_^

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