Sunday, July 7, 2013

Lee Hi It's Over Nail Art/이하이 메니큐어/リハイmvネイルアート

Lee Hi "It's Over" MV Nail Art 이하이 메니큐어/リハイmvネイルアート

안녕하세요!Unfortunately for this post one of my best nail models decided to go to Holland, so I had to make do with a color wheel for the first time ever! You can get them at Sally's Beauty Supply and they are very good for practice! Personally I thought it was more difficult than actually painting someone's nails but it is an excellent way to display nail art-- that is if you don't mess up.... ^_^
This MV was very well done; nothing disturbing, matched the lyrics well enough, and the touch with the teddy bear as the boyfriend was a stroke of brilliance. Lee Hi is also so beautiful! I just had to do the nail art for her MV because it was SO worth it.  I wish I could paint my nails as well as I paint other people's :( Ah well... Here's the tutorial.


Colors you will need:

핑크,실버,검정색, 하얀색, 파랑색, 빨강색. 반짝
銀色,  白, ピンク,黒,青, 赤い

Base Colors

I had to switch from the white to a parchment color because the white was too gloopy! Grr...

I love Hi- Left hand thumb

1)Paint two red stripes down either side, very thin!빨강색赤い
2) Paint a red heart in the top left corner빨강색赤い
3) Paint in black the "I"검정색
4) Paint the Love in RED빨강색赤い
5) Paint HI in black, I<3NYC style font검정색
6) Top coat

White with Red Stars- I

1) Paint three stars in red in the locations I did, and do a neater job! My hand was shaking when I did the left hand especially.- Oh yeah, use a nail brush.
2) Top Coat

Teddy Bear- Before he was evil M

1) Paint on the nose first in the center검정색
2) Paint two dots for eyes, then two black lines for ears검정색
3) Paint white on his snout- and yes I know this one didn't turn out too well but it's my first teddy bear... Confession: I usually paint pandas! So just bear with me ^_^, ok? 
4) Top Coat

I Say- Dripping ice cream- R

1) Use a dotting tool to make the ice cream look like it's dripping off the top (if you want a better tutorial on that there are links to it on the Pristine tutorial),PINK핑크ピンク
2) Paint in Black the "I Say"검정색
3) Top Coat

It's Over- P

1) Paint "It's Over" in Black검정색
2) Top Coat
Right Hand- Bear With Hat T
1) Paint the face in Black first검정색
2)Paint a Hat and a French manicure tip (this was to round his face, chubby bear!) with Silver銀色실버
3)Top Coat
I also put white sparkles on his hat, just because I could.

Red and White Beachball- I

1) Paint the white 하얀색triangles just like I did- I suggest putting a tiny dot in the point you want to center the "beach ball" so it can curve right and meet up there.
2) Top Coat (See, this one's is not complicated)

Hearts (inspired by one of her dresses!)-M

1) Paint the hearts in white하얀색
2) Using a hot pink and your nail brush, cover the white hearts with pinkピンク. Copy how I angled the hearts or go check the MV if you wish
3) Top Coat

I Say- Storm version R

1) Paint the clouds and lightning in White하얀색 (with the nail brush you've been cleaning after each color)
2) Paint in bubbly font "I Say"
3) Paint hot pink over the I say, and add some hot pink lightningピンク PINK핑크
4) Top Coat

It's Over- Sign P

1) Paint some red kisses if you like, I personally would not do that over again
2) Paint in hot pink "It's Over" and add a pink heart to the corner of the white.ピンク PINK핑크
3) Top Coat

Final Look

Final Step:Show off!

I just wanted to add a little comment down here- I really want comments! Tell me if you like it, or if you don't, because I find the lack of feedback frustrating. Do you have a suggestion for something I could do, a band you want me to do nail art on? Let me know. Also TEASER: I'm planning on doing a tutorial with some serious Chinese characters soon so watch out for that, because even if I can't paint an American teddy bear, I'm a beast when it comes to calligraphy. 감사합니다! ^_^

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